Happy New Year

I cannot believe it is 2021! Last year flew by so quickly despite the pandemic. Our nation has seen so many changes, good and bad. I'll let you decide. As for me, I am still employed thankfully. I had a boss who once said "be careful what you wish for" and I once wished I could work from home. Well, as of March 23, 2020 I have been doing exactly that - for both jobs. And I loathe it! But at least I am employed so I can't complain much, lol. It's been a bit difficult adjusting to this work-from-home even 9 and a half months later. I don't really have a great set-up for a home office, but I make do. My sleeping habits were already horrible because of PTSD issues and bouts of insomnia. Working from home has only made it worse because my bedroom doubles as my home office. So I spend the majority of my days in my room.

On the bright side, I made it through the year without any serious illness. I truly believe I had the illness the week of Christmas and the week after in 2019, although I was tested for influenza and positive for influenza "A" (at the time they weren't testing for covid). I had all of the symptoms associated. It took forever to get rid of it to be just the flu. Who knows but God? I still haven't been tested for covid and refuse to be vaccinated due to previous near fatal reactions to influenza vaccinations and I've had Bell's Palsy. So nope. Not happening. 

Another thing I did in 2020. I applied to graduate school. Again! I may or may not have posted about this already. I did create a separate blog for this journey as I plan to document my time in school once again as part of my experience. Here is the link if you would like to follow along: My Journey Towards Becoming a Doctor. At this point I am in the review stage. I should hear something by March 1st. If accepted, I should be starting in the Fall term this year. It's in God's hands.


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