Inauguration Day

Today, America inaugurated a new President and Vice President. It's funny. For four years all I heard from people was "Not my president" about President Trump. Friends and family who didn't like him it was always "not my president." So now I have a choice. I can be a better person and not repeat that to them or I can say "not my president" when Biden does something they don't like. I haven't yet decided, but I'm leaning toward the latter. 

Not very Christian of me, but my God forgives.

Today was an historic day. The new Vice President is (unfortunately) the first female, African- and Asian- American to hold this position. You might wonder why I say unfortunately. It is simply because this country is not ready for a female to hold the position of Vice President or even President. We. Are. Not. Ready. No, I don't particularly care for her either, but that's a whole other issue. Maybe I will discuss it in another post sometime. For now, I will just say that I have been saying for years that America is not ready for a female at the highest position. 

Time will tell how this administration will be, but they are not off to a good start. Among the Executive Orders he signed today:

  • revoked the permit for the Keystone pipeline (effectively wiping out 1000s of jobs)
  • repealed ban on travel from certain Muslim countries (that promote terrorism)
  • include non-citizens in the Census count (in order to get a larger count for districting)
  • stopped further building of the border wall (allowing  illegals to cross in unwalled places and making Border Patrols jobs more difficult)
There are some that might prove worthy, but that is yet to be seen. 

While I am not happy with the outcome of the election, I am not going to cry about it. I am going to sit back and watch what happens. 


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