Fleas, a Rat, and other stuff

Well, my Sandy had her little adventure outdoors a couple of weeks ago and has been struck with fleas. She doesn't go outdoors at all if I have my way; well accept to sit on her chair in the screen porch. The chef decided to let her out in the grass for a little one day. Yup! That's all it took. A few minutes of grassy time and whammo! FLEAS!!

I didn't think much about her adventure until last Sunday night when she was just scratching and biting and scratching some more. She also was afraid of certain pieces of furniture, including MY BED. Never is she afraid of my bed. She lives to sleep on it. That's when it dawned on me that she must have fleas. So, I told the chef and Sandy got a flea bath (Dawn dish detergent is great at getting rid of them) and a nice new flea collar (I get Seresto or whatever the heck it's called). She's a happy cat again. 😊

In other news, we have a rat somewhere in the trailer. Or at least we did. I hope it got out; however it got in. I don't want that rat bastard in my home at all. Rabies and fleas and YUCK! I haven't gotten much sleep this week because it was in my bathroom and I have to be careful going in there. Don't want it jumping on me. There were holes in the wall that had been there for years that are now patched. Not that I was being negligent of my home. It just didn't seem necessary to patch up the wall because that area of the room wasn't in use. Live and learn, lol. 😂

I also was able to spend some much needed time with my girl almost two weeks ago. She was down for a vacation with her BF and messaged me to see if we could spend a day together. I said absolutely! I had not seen her since she graduated high school in 2016. We actually shared a drink together...2 years late.

Ariel and I on the St. Pete Pier

She had Green Bench beer (a local brew)

I had Prosecco

Yea, my niece is the best and I love her like my own. Can't wait to spend more time with her. I also can't wait to go visit my mom in Michigan again. Maybe when this blasted virus crap calms down finally.

Stay well my friends...


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