I just don't know what to think

I haven't posted in a while and it seems like when I do post anymore it's negative so let me start with something positive. I spoke with a close friend that I haven't spoken with since 2013 when we last saw one another. It was so nice to hear his voice. There were reasons I haven't spoken with him, but nothing to discuss here. I didn't realise how much I truly miss him until we spoke last week. But I do. I'm sure he knows. I'm sure he could sense it anyway. LOL... I just hope we speak again soon. Our conversations are always filled with history, Bible, current events, and so much more. 

On the down side, I have been so angry. I am angry with our president and the mess he has made of not just our country but Afghanistan. I am angry and sad for the Americans and Allies that are stuck in that country, left to fend for themselves against the Taliban. Angry that we don't have leadership in place to get them out! What the hell is wrong with this administration? Why don't they care about us? Facetious questions maybe but damn it's about time to get rid of him and Harris and the rest who are against this country and everything we stand for. I am a Patriot! I am a veteran! I believe in our Constitution! And when I see a president and vice president go completely against it, when I see the speaker of the house and senate majority leader go completely against it...after EVERYTHING they did to Trump. I am beside myself with anger and disgust for them. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not a huge fan of Trump. He's a womanizer and a narcissist, but at least he loves this country. 

The thing about Afghanistan is that with the Taliban in control and al-Qaeda and ISIS rising, we are in real danger of another terror attack. Sure, be a naysayer but believe me. I have studied this region long enough. With them in control, they will plan another attack and carry it out. That is what they do. Those who are left behind will be killed. That is what they do. This is what they are already doing. They don't care. They have no morals. They don't like America. They don't like the west. They are radical and have no real understanding of their own religion. And China is already moving in to help. 

People, we are on the verge of another world war. I am not trying to fearmonger here. I am trying to speak the truth of what I am seeing and hearing. Read Revelation. Read and understand the End Times Prophecy. We are living it. No, the next world war will not be Armageddon. With everything happening in China, Russia, and Afghanistan (not to mention Iran) we are close. 

However, I always say believe what you will. I was once asked (in 2014) if we are getting ready for another world war. This was when ISIS was rearing it's ugly head in Syria. I told the person not yet but give it 5 to 10 years. That was 7 years ago.


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