Switching Gears...

We're well into a new year and I've been dealing with a lot mentally, but I won't bore you with that. Some of it does have to do with the state of our country, which I am going to start to delve into, hence the title of this post.

It's amazing, and disgusting, what's happening in our country right now. As a veteran, and a patriot, I feel we owe it to the nation to stand up and do the right thing. We can do that through voting the right people into office and those who are trying to destroy us out. Right now, we are watching yet another indictment and arrest of President Donald Trump (I will continue to call him President as a sign of respect). The prosecutor is talking about having this go to court within 90 days. The powers that be are really trying to make it difficult for this election to move forward at a natural pace, in my opinion. Let's look back a little on this.

When Trump first announced his run in 2015 or 2016, I was not impressed. I didn't care much for him as a person. I was a "never Trumper." However, I knew he was a good business man. When he got the nod, I go on board. I will never, ever vote for Killary. More on that another time. I was pleased with Trump as President because he ran the country as it should be run: as a business! 

Now, we all know what the Democrats, and some Republicans, did. They impeached him TWICE! Unfortunately for them. the crimes they say he committed were actually found to be committed by Clinton and Obama. Remember Russia, Russia, Russia? Yea, that truly was Obama and Clinton spying on Trump during the 2016 campaign trying to undermine the election. Look it up if you don't believe me. And don't use Google. 

Fast forward to 2020/2021. Did you watch, no listen to his speech on January 6, 2021? I did. He did not call for an insurrection. Nowhere in his speech did he use language to suggest anyone take over the government by use of violence. No, he told those in attendance to march peacefully to the capitol. We have the right, under the First Amendment to peaceful assembly. On that date, there were "bad actors" at the capitol who long planned to protest and riot and blame it on Trump supporters.The FBI even knew in advance this was going to happen. Aaaand, Pelosi rejected additional security at the capitol. 

So, here we are today with President Trump being indicted for a 3rd time. He's spoken of election fraud through the years - some of which has been founded, some unfounded. He's taken documents home with him, which he declassified - which as the leaving President he is allowed to do. Biden, on the other hand was NOT allowed to do as the leaving Vice President. ONLY the President has that privilege. All of this is happening as a way to distract us from the BIG picture: 2024, Hunter Biden's crimes, Joe Biden's involvement, etc.

Just so you know, Donald Trump can still run for President from a jail cell. And quite possibly actually be the President as well if he won. There's nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the Constitution saying otherwise.

More to come and other thoughts in future posts...


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