
Wow, It's Been a Year!

Where has the time gone? I can't believe I haven't posted in a year. I used to post on here regularly. I know life gets busy, but this was a joy for me. So, here we are a year later and they are still trying to put Trump in jail. They are trying to use the 14th Amendment against him. They are trying to create even more chaos than there already is in this country. They even tried to kill him recently! I am so over it all and can't wait for him to be in Office again! For those of you who are not familiar with the 14th Amendment, specifically section 3, let me explain. Section 3 states: " Section 3 . No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any S

Switching Gears...

We're well into a new year and I've been dealing with a lot mentally, but I won't bore you with that. Some of it does have to do with the state of our country, which I am going to start to delve into, hence the title of this post. It's amazing, and disgusting, what's happening in our country right now. As a veteran, and a patriot, I feel we owe it to the nation to stand up and do the right thing. We can do that through voting the right people into office and those who are trying to destroy us out. Right now, we are watching yet another indictment and arrest of President Donald Trump (I will continue to call him President as a sign of respect). The prosecutor is talking about having this go to court within 90 days. The powers that be are really trying to make it difficult for this election to move forward at a natural pace, in my opinion. Let's look back a little on this. When Trump first announced his run in 2015 or 2016, I was not impressed. I didn't care m

Drawing to a Close...2022 (Picture Heavy)

As 2022 draws to a close, I think about all of the things I did during the year. It's amazing just how busy I was this year. I made two out of state trips to Texas and South Carolina. Traveled within the state many times for work or personal events. Met some interesting people along the way. Even caught up with family and friends I hadn't seen in years. Here are some highlights: Homossassa Springs, FL at a Vow Renewal ceremony Houston Space Center USS Alabama Memorial Museum I turned 50 this year (2nd from left) Yep, you may call me Madam Vice President, lol Hadn't been here since the early 1980s Cousins!!! VVA National Leadership Conference Falls Park on the Reedy Artemis I finally launched! The man who killed bin Laden Well earned award Sandy keeping warm As you can see, a lot happened this year. And my poor cat! She just couldn't keep warm during our recent cold snap over Christmas. She slept under my blankets 4 nights in a row. Now that the year is coming to an end,


They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. What if those lemons are just pure hormonal bitterness? How do you deal with those lemons?  I find myself going through so much change right now that it's difficult to keep my emotions in check. I turned 50 this year! That's a big one!! I have lost 35 pounds since last September. Big accomplishment for me. It helped getting a kick I needed to start doing it. Still, a long way to go toward my goal.  How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. My emotions get in the way. One change I had to make for myself was titrating until I was completely off a certain medication. Let's just say while I refuse to start taking it or anything similar again, it has left me feeling even more unfocused and my thoughts just racing. I have to learn to deal with these symptoms of the bigger picture a different way. One verse in the Bible stands out... Although, I think it's more than anxiety causing the emotional upheaval at

He Is Risen


Constant Battle

It seems I fight a constant battle in my mind. I don't want to fight this battle but I do. I know it's spiritual warfare.  It sucks!!  

Maintaining Focus in a Crazy World

You know what I mean by that title. I am almost certain of this. The world has just gone crazy over the past couple of years. The virus that was unleashed on us. Locking us in our homes for the better part of 2020. That confounded election that put two people in office that really have no business being there (yeah, I said it. Sue me!). I'm not trying to get into a political debate here. We all have our opinions and views. I will agree to disagree with anyone who says our country is better now than it was under Trump. Period! Because if you really sit and take a look at what is happening - sky high prices, still under mask mandates in many places, still under jab mandates by many employers, still seeing speech censored in social media - our country is in a much worse place. And don't get me started on the unemployment numbers. Anyone who knows anything about unemployment knows those numbers don't take into account those individuals who no longer are receiving or are eligibl