Away with 2009...

Welcome 2010! Yup, that about sums up how I feel about the past year. I didn't have a great year, not one of the best years of my life, but it's over and I will move on! There is about 7 hours and 37 minutes left in 2009 and I have been counting down for about a month now!! LOL On the stitchy front, I did manage to complete a few things: Polska Sampler Apples Lucky Pillow Wrap (although it still needs a pillow, but the stitching is done and it counts!) a couple of Blackwork pieces Elvis Nautical Sampler by Bucilla Zanesville (one of my own creations) 4 Christmas Cards A Christmas SAL (thanks!) Astral Lion Reindeer ornie (again, the stitching is done) Makin' New Friends (an old WIP) There may have been a couple of others that I have no recollection nor picture of. I am working on another Christmas Design SAL with Yoyo and that won't be completed until the end of 2010 sometime. Keep checking in on here for updates! I also intend to work on some more Chri...