
Showing posts from December, 2009

Away with 2009...

Welcome 2010! Yup, that about sums up how I feel about the past year. I didn't have a great year, not one of the best years of my life, but it's over and I will move on! There is about 7 hours and 37 minutes left in 2009 and I have been counting down for about a month now!! LOL On the stitchy front, I did manage to complete a few things: Polska Sampler Apples Lucky Pillow Wrap (although it still needs a pillow, but the stitching is done and it counts!) a couple of Blackwork pieces Elvis Nautical Sampler by Bucilla Zanesville (one of my own creations) 4 Christmas Cards A Christmas SAL (thanks!) Astral Lion Reindeer ornie (again, the stitching is done) Makin' New Friends (an old WIP) There may have been a couple of others that I have no recollection nor picture of. I am working on another Christmas Design SAL with Yoyo and that won't be completed until the end of 2010 sometime. Keep checking in on here for updates! I also intend to work on some more Chri...

A card and an ornie

Just a couple of quick finishes to share. I finished "Joy" a couple nights ago. Here is a pic: Last night, after much fighting with the fabric, I finished the reindeer ornie (well, as finished as it is gonna get for now). Here is a pic: As you can see, I used beads for the eyes and the dot on the "i" in Christmas. I still have one leg to complete, and that is where the fighting came in. I must have stabbed myself a half dozen times trying to get the darker brown outline and legs completed. Those stitches go through the center of the square instead of in the holes already there. I didn't like doing those stitches. The stars were simple, but a lot of work. You have to start and finish each star individually or there will be a lot of "tails" showing through. The border is done using backstitching instead of the called for "Blanket stitch". I am not sure if I will frame the little guy or turn him into an actual ornament. Either way, that part wil...

End of Year Giveaway

This is a very beautiful end of year giveaway. Check out Snippets and Stash !

New Stuff!

I did a little last minute shopping a few nights before Christmas and came upon some cool inexpensive/clearance items at JoAnn's! First, I must tell you that they already had their Valentine's stuff out, so I was a little disturbed while shopping. All that pink! Ugh!! But, as I moved back toward the stitchy stuff, I noticed an end cap display with several cross-stitch card kits for $1.99. I picked up four of those. Then, I got back to the stitchy area and looked at their clearance stuff and came upon several items that I really liked. I only picked up one though that spoke to the sailor in me. I looked without much luck for the Learn-A-Craft kits as my niece wants me to teach her how to stitch. I decided to head over to Michael's hoping beyond hope that they still carried kits. And yay! They have them still at that particular location (the one I normally shop in does not carry kits, but they do have all the other bare necessities - and I do mean bare)! I found a few LaC...

Getting the Tree Ready


'Tis the time of year again

‘Tis the time of year again when thoughts go out to you; The ones we hold so near and dear the ones who live so far. The time of year when family gathers and friends come into town; The time of year when dreams come true and wishes are abound. Wishing you a very merry, a holiday full of cheer; Hoping you and yours are well and happy through the year. Merry Christmas! © 2009 Julie Hayes

No Stitchy Stuff to Share...

...but I do have a couple of pics taken at my sister's last night. I went over to help her decorate her tree after work. Now, being the Trekkie that she is, her tree is almost 1/2 Star Trek. You'll be able to see some of those decorations in one of the pictures shown below: The last picture is of me (on the left in blue) and my sister (on the right in green). I also got the latest JCS issue in the mail today! I have been looking for it ever since I saw the cover of it on their website a few days ago. I am going to stitch the Austrian I, Tabatha's Sampler, and the monthly flowers for sure. I know where part of my pay check is going in a couple of weeks (and any monies I may get for Christmas, if my mother sent money that is)! Gonna make a trip to Orlando or Ocala to visit my (nearest) LNS!! In the meantime, I may not get a lot of stitching done over the next week or so. Between working at the flower shop during the holiday and getting the next chapter draft by Jan 1st I am g...

December TUSAL Update

Well, here is my last post for 2009's TUSAL! I am going to continue using this container until I can't possible stuff another bit into it. I have a backup container already picked out for when this happens. I am looking forward to continuing this little adventure in 2010.

Links Updated

I had to remove a link as the website is not available at the moment. As soon as it is, I will update the links in the "Menu" to include Needle Craft World in Kissimmee, FL.

Just stuff...

I have been busy with my thesis and a translation project over the past couple of weeks. Not to mention getting some cross-stitching done so I could mail them out to family in Michigan. I did manage to write a poem for a Christmas card at my sister's request. I will post it on Christmas Day for all to enjoy! Until then, feel free to check out my other crafty blogs: Julie's Creations Photographs by Julie - this is a new blog!!! And for those interested, here's the link to my thesis blog: House of Wisdom and the Abbasid Caliphate

Joyeux Noel...

Image all it's framed glory! Here are a few pics at different angles/zooms. Note: the cars in front of the frame are from a casino in Las Vegas. My dad won them (too bad they aren't the real thing) playing video poker when he lived there several years ago. The monkey is playing golf. It is a statue I picked up at Heilig-Myers back in 1997 or so when I worked there. He's draped in the lei's from my dad's 60th birthday party earlier this year. And yes, that is our little Christmas tree. Since we live in a single wide, there is really no room for a tree. I found this at a dollar store and love it! I decided to pick up a frame for this stitched piece while at Wal-Mart today. I chose a darker wood color as I felt it would better accent the fabric of the piece. I am really pleased with the outcome! I may have to stitch this one again and again for friends and/or family! Thanks Valerie for allowing me to partake in this SAL and I hope to join you all on another SAL in the...

Here Comes Santa Claus...


O Christmas Tree


Hay Ride


Fresh Floral Christmas Tree


Yet another giveaway!

This seems to be the time of year when everyone is giving something away. Here is yet another great giveaway! Good luck to all who enter!!

Another great giveaway!!

To enter, follow the link to this blog and then follow the instructions. Good luck to everyone who enters!! I also decided to share my Christmas tree. It's not much by way of size, but it's a cute little thing that does the trick.

Cats: Sandy


Cats: Max


Old Finishes, New Beginnings

Well, I managed to turn in a rough draft of one chapter of my thesis, so I have turned my attention to Christmas. Over the next few weeks I will be working on another chapter as well as a SAL for Christmas 2010. I began stitching this piece on the evening of Dec 5th. Here are a couple of pics of what I have done so far: The top picture is what I completed on the first night. The bottom is what I did last night. So far I am pleased with how it is turning out! I also managed to get a couple more pillows made from old designs that I finished stitching a while back. The first on is the Polska Sampler. I used a bright (Christmasy) red as the backing fabric. The second one is Forever Wild, which I used a blue backing fabric. Here is a pic: These, along with Astral Lions, was sent off to MI this morning to be distributed for Christmas. I almost forgot! I have completed the 2nd part of the HalloSAL Sampler. Here is a pic:

Astral Pillow!

Well, I broke down and purchased a real sewing machine (not a hand held that I was hoping would work). I managed to get the pillow made for my niece. While it has been awhile since I have used a machine, I have to say that I didn't do half bad. The only complaint I have is the bottom (thank GOD I decided to close the bottom right side out instead of the top). The sewing looks awful in some areas, but that is mainly from the little amount of fabric I allowed for. OOPS!! Lesson learned: leave a lot of fabric for things like this. Here are a few pics of the completed project (in all it's glory): The backing fabric I used is actually an old pillowcase from a twin size sheet set that I no longer use (got me a queen size bed earlier this year). I thought it worked well with the deep yellow. I just hope Ariel likes it! :)

Astral Finish!!!!

I am finally finished stitching Astral Lion and am so pleased with the outcome! Here is a pic: I only have to turn this into a pillow and then wrap and send it off to Michigan for my niece. Now I will take a bit of a break from stitching to concentrate on my thesis the remainder of the week. Over the weekend, I intend to work on Part II of the HalloSAL and begin the Christmas 2010 SAL. I am doing Coming Home for the Holidays ; a Dimensions Gold Collection kit. I will post a pic of Astral Lion as a pillow once it is complete (probably tomorrow)!