Ooh la, la! C’est un autre fou fini !
But First, a big WELCOME to my newest followers!
Oui, j’ai finis Week-end à Paris!
Ok, that’s enough French for now, LOL! I did put the final stitches into Week-end last night. Here are the results (excuse the blurriness of the close-ups please):
Week-end à Paris
Conçu par: Fabrice de Villeneuve
Dimensions Gold Collection Petites
18 ct Ivory Aida with included Floss
I am also almost finished with Married This Day. I know, I keep saying that, but it is so true!!! It’s the detail work that is so time consuming, LOL!
Later this afternoon, I am going to my little cousin’s 3rd birthday party. I also found some FALL FOLIAGE here in Florida yesterday while by my grandma’s yesterday so I will take some pics and share later!
Until then ~~~