Finished Ornies

OK, so this year I only made 5 ornaments and those were for a few friends. Here they are (in no particular order):





The 4 above are from a booklet that came with an issue of Cross Stitch Crazy in 2009.


I think this one is my favorite design. It’s “Peace” by Jeannette Douglas Designs from the 2012 Christmas Ornament Issue of JCS.


Judy S. said…
Hi There! Sure don't know how I missed your blog for so long. Glad to see you finished Coming Home; it's gorgeous as are your cute ornies. So sorry to read about your dad's passing. Didn't you also used to crochet? Back when you were in school? Or am I completely off the mark? Enjoy these last few days before the holidays. Oh, and congrats on your new job!!!
Catherine said…
Such sweet finishes ~ and peace is what we all need after the recent events!
Lana said…
Cute!! I love all of them!
Manuela said…
Wonderful Ornaments.

Chris said…
Beautiful finished ornaments!!
Mii Stitch said…
Lovely ornaments, well done!

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