Where did she go?
Where did she go? This girl. She was fun-loving, free-spirited, care-free. She had the whole world in her hand and her whole life ahead of her. Where did she go? I've been asking myself that a lot lately. Yes, this is me. When I was thinner. Happier, or so I thought. Before my spiral into a darker place. Before my life changed and I couldn't seem to break free from the chains that continue to grip me to this day. This is 1997. El Cajon, California. My mother took this picture. She was staying with me while my then husband was deployed. This was before my illness really got the best of me.
I miss the days of being healthier, more flexible, able to move easier. I miss being that 20-something person. With my whole life ahead of me. I miss the person I used to be and wish I could get her back. Sure, there are things I would not take back like the cheating during my first marriage. Would God have blessed me with a healthy baby in that case? I don't know. His plans are His afterall, and the miscarriage happened for a reason that only He knows.
Where did she go? This girl of 18. Fresh out of high school. Celebrating with family and friends her achievement and theirs. This was a celebration not just of my graduation but of my cousin and a family friend as well. My cousin graduated from college. Their friend from high school. All in the same year. Wow! Look at how thin I was. Was I happy here. It would appear that I was. Deep down the illness was lurking. Sure, I had little dealings with it from time to time. But I didn't know what it was. I had never been diagnosed with anything. I just thought it was moodiness. Teenage angst. That sort of thing. I think my parents did too.
This 18-year-old wanted to go to college. She wanted to get married someday, have a family. She wanted the dream. She didn't realize that less than a year later she would be married. But part of her dream would be shattered. Instead of college, she joined the Navy and put college on hold to save that marriage. This picture was taken in 1990. She joined the Navy in 1992.

This is me now...taken in February 2019 at Epcot.