I have to thank Parsley for sharing this video on her blog. It is really an interesting little video and fits well with today's government: In stitchy news: I have not completed The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy yet. I was called in to work yesterday and today and will be working the rest of the week. Yay!!! It may not be full time, but it's nice to get out of the house and do something fun and useful once in a while. Needless to say, here are some progress pictures I took last night: I've just the lower left corner to go! What you don't see is that I have finished the border along the top of the design. I left this piece in the qSnaps while taking the pictures. If I don't post before then, HAPPY EASTER CHARLIE BROWN !
Showing posts from March, 2010
A Bit of Sunshine on a Rainy Day!
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Thank you so very much, Cole, for this lovely award! It has certainly brought a bit of sunshine to this rainy (stormy) Sunday in Central Florida. The rules of this award are: Put the logo on your blog or within your post. Pass the award to 12 bloggers. Link the nominees within your post. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award. So, for the 12 to whom I will pass this on! I am finding new blogs all of the time that are interesting to me and may be interesting to others. For this, I will pass along to as many of those newer ones as possible. Confessions of a New/Old Homeowner Joanie's World Kate's Crafty Blog HeartFelt Originals Decor to Adore Loretta's Stitching Blog Olenka's Stitches Seasons of My Mind Sprinkles When Good People Get Together X Stitchin' Away Sylvia's Several of my choices are not necessarily stitchy related, bu...
Great Pumpkin update and Orange Blossoms
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Well, I have spent the last couple of days putting a ton of stitches into The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy . My goal is to finish it over the weekend. Here are a couple of pics of my progress: I also noticed that there was a flower on one of the orange trees outside my bedroom window this morning, so I went outside and took some pictures of the trees. Here are a few of them: I had never really seen an orange blossom up close until this morning. While working my way around one of the trees, I began to notice the fragrance. What a wonderfully spring-like aroma! I also noticed some bees busily pollinating the flowers. If you look closely, you may catch a glimpse of one. Don't forget to check out the giveaway corner for giveaway opportunities on other blogs! Well, that's all for today! Thanks for stopping by!!!
Every Song
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Every song Every song I hear Is a song of life The life I once knew The life I once lived All bring back Memories Of yesterday When I was alone To be my own person With no complaints No worries No fears November 21, 1992 It seems that the past few years have been hard on many people, not just here at home, but around the world. With the conflicts/wars going on in the Middle East, Mother Nature's terrible fury, and the state of the economic world, fear and worry are the mainstay of our lives. When I first moved to Florida in 2006, I was not afraid of not having a job for any long period of time. I actually found a decent job right away. That one lasted about 3 months and then I was let go, for no apparent reason and was told I did nothing wrong. (This state is an "at-will" employment state which means that you can be fired for smiling at someone.) I was out of work for a couple of months before I decided to get back in the collections game. Well, I couldn't stomach t...
Va-rooom, va-rooooom!
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The '68 Charger takes the lead! The original picture I am so very happy to say that this piece is finally done!!! I put the final stitches in it this evening. Here are some pics: Completed product - "Auto Focus" setting "Pinhole" Setting - this is showing the colors closer to what they really are. "Pop Art" setting - just wanted to give you a vivid look! Notice the front end of the car. I personalized the license plate with my Uncle's name. Now, it's got to be sent to my mother so she can get it framed and deliver it to her brother on time for his birthday. I really hope he likes it! Now, I think I will either work on the Christmas Design SAL a bit, or prepare the fabric and begin the Ink Circles Cirque des Carreaux . Hmmmmm.......
Searching for love
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Searching for love He's out there In the night sky Searching for the place That place Where his love can be shared He's out there Among the stars Mingling To find the perfect one To find his only one He's out there In the trees Brushing With the leaves As his search continues for love He's out there Trying to find Peace With his neighbors, to end All the hate and sadness he sees April 7, 1991
My Very First Blog Award!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you so very much to Drea_Dear for giving me this award! I have never ever received a blog award, so this is especially sweet!! The rules: 1. Accept the award 2. Thank the person who gave you the award 3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award 4. Put the award on your blog 5. Write 10 things about yourself others may not know about you 6. Pass the award on to 10 others So, I have done the first 4, now for 5 and 6! 10 Things about me... I was the first female in my family to serve in the military: US Navy 1992-96, Honorable Discharge as an EN3 (to those of you not familiar with ratings, I was an Engineman, or Diesel Mechanic). I have been to almost every State in the USA. The only one's left are: Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota. I can speak 3 languages including my native of English. I am a published poet - not counting my poetry blog ; not a paid poet, but published none the less. I am a disabled vet...
A Start and Finish and a Question
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(Warning: Picture Heavy) I will start with an update. I have (almost) completed part 5 of the HalloSAL, although I am counting it as complete. I just need to fill in the eyes on the pumpkins and for that I need to buy some petite seed beads. I tried without success to do the french knots. I just don't have the patience for them. Here is an updated picture: Yesterday morning I awoke thinking that I would spend the day working on the Butterfly and Shamrock Wreath . Well, my wee little mind started spinning and I remembered another design that I picked up last year at The Black Sheep Shop in Orlando by DebBee's Designs . It's her Holiday Highlights St. Patrick's Day . So, around 10am I began stitching the design. I worked on it on and off all day and by 9pm here is where I was at: There was a new stitch in this design for me: the herringbone stitch. I think I am fairly comfortable with that one now, lol! This afternoon, I picked it up and finished it. I even finish-finish...
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"
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A little tribute to my Irish friends and family: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, sure 'tis like a morn in spring. In the lilt of Irish laughter you can hear the angels sing, When Irish hearts are happy all the world seems bright and gay, And When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, sure, they steal your heart away. I love my Irish heritage! I look forward to Saint Patrick's Day each and every year. Whether it is the green, the leprechauns (my maternal grandfather used to call me his little leprechaun - although he passed when I was 7 months old), or those shamrock shakes...I just love this holiday. I think my favorite part truly is the music. There is something about Irish jigs that just make me happy and giddy. Let's just say that these Irish eyes are smilin' for sure! :D In other news, I received a nice little gift from across the pond. Clare of Aimetu's Stitching sent me a little "thank you" for the Quaker Medallion pattern. Here is a picture of my gift: The f...
Spring is in the Air!
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Well, the temps have been a bit more normal for us lately. Currently it is 70 degrees, but very windy. We did have 2 solid days of rain storms late last week. I spent most of the weekend working on Butterfly and Shamrock Wreath . Here is a progress picture: I have to say that it started to bore me a little, so yesterday I switched to Christmas stitching. I have one more card insert done for my mom. I will post pictures of them after I complete 3 more. My goal is to complete 4 of them this month since I wasn't able to do any in February. I am also posting my TUSAL update. Most of the clippings are from the Christmas Design SAL, Coming Home for the Holidays , and the Butterfly design. There are also some scraps in there as I cleaned out my floss a bit more this last month. Here are two pictures, one is in "auto setting" and the other is in "pop art 1 setting": I did add a "box" to the side bar (on the right) called "Giveaways". I plan to use ...
Butterflies and Pumpkins
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I must confess I am so used to DMC floss that trying something new made me a bit nervous. The Great Pumpkin Conspiracy calls for several SilkN , by The Thread Gatherer, colors and therefore I purchased (all but one of) them while at Silk Road Needle Arts in St. Pete a few weeks ago. I finally started using them and have found that I really like them a lot! I believe the owner made a comment something like "You're in for a treat!". LOL!!! Here is an update of where Great Pumpkin stands: The (brown) fabric you see in the background is actually a quilt I have had since 2001. It is falling apart at the seams and I have been trying to find somewhere to get it repaired. I love it so much! I have also done some more work (and will go back to it in a little bit) on Butterfly and Shamrocks Wreath . I have almost completed the butterfly and will move on to the wreath part next. I am trying to save the middle, where the saying is, for last since it contains so much backstitch. He...