Proverbs & Adultery

Continuing in my journey through Proverbs, I have completed chapters 5-7. The primary message is a warning against sin; and especially adultery. This one really hits close to home for me on a couple of different levels, neither of which I will get into here. Keeping in the theme of wisdom, the speaker (I am thinking it's Solomon) is warning his son to stay away from promiscuity. And to not share his "water" with the public. This meaning his wife with another man or men. In my NIV Study Bible, the notes to Proverbs 5:15 says "Let your own wife be your source of pleasure, as water refreshes a thirsty man." I really like the notes that coincide with the verses as they can give a better understanding. He goes on to state that a man who falls into the trap of an adulteress entraps himself. He really has no one to blame but himself for not heeding to the knowledge imparted on him. God made the Commandments very clear "Thou shalt not commit adultery" and ...